To some hearing the words “You Matter” will come off as, “I know that already”, “I’m a king”, “I’m a queen” of course I matter.  For others, such as myself hearing those two “simple” words, use to and for some still sound like a foreign language.  Well, you may be saying to yourself everybody should know they matter or perhaps you maybe asking yourself why does it sound like a foreign language to me? ~lets talk about it…..

Many people were fortunate enough to grow up in an encouraging environment where they heard the words like “You Matter”, “You’re a star”, “You’re awesome”, You’re gorgeous”, or “You are handsome” from loving parents, aunty’s, uncles, grandparents etc.  They never had to grow up questioning who they are.  This was not everyone’s truth as some of us grew up in homes were trauma was present in various capacities.  Where validation of self-esteem was not always present due to domestic violence, no parents, drugs, alcohol, and loving words were scarce. Some of us did not know how to receive love because of being blinded by previous pain which hindered the healing process, so in reality the words “You Matter” did not or for some even hold value. Whatever your truth is, you have the power to change how you speak to yourself. 

When learning to heal as I have been and still growing and challenging myself to be free from all that was negative in my life.  It is important to change your perspective from negative to positive in order to rebuild your mind and heart.   Taking the time to tell yourself that you are beautiful, handsome, smart, creative, and loving are great words to validate yourself by so you do not look for validation from others.  We cannot change the past and what was not positive in it, but we can look to the future and take daily strides in learning that we are God’s masterpiece. We were created to shine, love and be vibrant in every way.  We were created to walk with our heads high and not despise are beginnings.   Lets continue or for some make a new conscious effort not to accept anything less than we deserve.   

Tips for healing: Therapy, Spiritual Counseling, Prayer, Reading God’s Word and Believing what he says about you!

Remember today and always that “YOU MATTER” -You are loved, You are Joy, You are Creative, You are wanted, and most importantly YOU ARE A CHILD OF GOD!

~Love Always, SPEAK TASH

Published by SPEAK TASH

♥️ I WAS CREATED TO BE HEARD ♥️ Encourager💎Mind Shifter💎 Change Agent

6 thoughts on “YOU MATTER

  1. I am so excited, happy and rejoicing with you. This is so needed for such a time as this. I love you sis and appreciate your authenticity and truth
    Be encouraged and know that your Las Vegas prayer partner is always here for you and with you.
    Love ya🤗😘😘


  2. We often are ignorant to the impact that these early negative experiences have on us. Thank you for highlighting that whatever situation we’re in ‘you matter’ is always valid. it may just take time to heal and believe it. Proud of you Tasha x


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